How to Install MillBox Software
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How to Install MillBox Software

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How to Install MillBox Software

This brief post will provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to install MillBox on a Windows computer. Before downloading and installing, this tutorial will assume that any third-party software has been disabled or deleted. This article also assumes that the machine satisfies the minimal criteria for MillBox to run successfully:

3rd-Party Exclusions: MillBox - Security Software / Anti-Virus Exclusions.
Recommended PC Specifications: MillBox - What are the recommended PC Specifications?

Step 1: Download the Installer File

  • Login to and go to the downloads section to download the appropriate installer.

    RECOMMENDED: While in the downloads section of, it is best practice to go ahead and download the latest core update. This will guarantee that you will have the most recent and up-to-date version of MillBox.

Step 2: Running the Installation file

On the PC, open the download folder and right-click on the installer file you just downloaded.
Once you've got the right-click context menu open, choose "Run as Administrator."

As we can't always guarantee that the account / profile the software is being installed on is an admin account / profile, this action will elevate the necessary privileges to install MillBox successfully.

MillBox will start unpacking the installation files into a temporary folder:

Once that finishes, follow the prompts by hitting "NEXT >":

Once MillBox completes the install, it will then install a free utility called FileHub. 

  • FileHub is an STL tool and viewer.
    • Tools included, but not limited too:
      • Mesh Repair
      • File orientation and rotation
      • Ability to measure the object
      • View object thickness
      • AND MORE!
    • To learn more about FileHub, click here: Coming Soon

You will then be asked to reboot the computer**

**IMPORTANT: If this is the first time MILLBOX has been installed on this PC, you must reboot, as this will complete the installation.
If this is not the first time MillBox has been installed on the PC, a reboot is not necessary. 

Step 2a: Installing the Core Update:

  • The same installation instructions above apply when running the core update.

**MillBox must be installed first before running the update file.

Step 3: Desktop MillBox Icons

Once the installation has finished, you will notice your desktop now has two new icons.

The MillBox icon is the Standard Version of MillBox.
The MillBox Expert icon will be SUM3D.

To open MillBox, double-click the Standard MillBox icon

Step 4: Requesting a Temporary License


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