Nesting Multiple Units in the DWX-4W / DWX-42W
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Nesting Multiple Units in the DWX-4W / DWX-42W

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How to Nest Multiple Units in the DWX-4W / DWX-42W

To begin, open MillBox and start a New Job.

  1. Select the Machine you will be using.

  2. Choose the material you will be using.

  3. Select the position to place the unit in the machine.

  4. Click the Green Check Mark.


On the Import STL screen

  1. Select the .STL restoration you will be milling out.

  2. Import as the correct object type.

  3. Hit the green checkmark to continue


Next, select the Blank [PIN].
Remembering to choose a blank that is thicker than the Minimum Thickness Required.
Your first restoration is now nested in position in MillBox.


Once the first unit is nested, click on Import STL to nest additional units


Once you select Import STL, you will be asked what position to nest this new unit in.


Once you have chosen the position of the unit,

  1. Choose the .stl
  2. Choose the object type
  3. Hit the green check mark.


Select the blank for unit #2 remembering to consider the minimum thickness required.


You have now nested two different units into the DWX-4W.
If you are milling a 3rd unit repeat the process to add the 3rd unit.

Once complete chose "Start Mill" to calculate the job.


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