Welcome to the MillBox Online Learning Center!
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Welcome to the MillBox Online Learning Center!

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Welcome to the MillBox Online Learning Center! 

Here you will find access to the latest CAM manual, updates & walkthroughs that will help you make the most of your Dental CAM Solution and discover / learn about current tools at your disposal.

Before we get started, it's best to take a moment to familiarize yourself with the biggest changes:

Our homepage address has changed! 

You can access the MillBox Learning Center directly by navigating to: help.cimsystem.com - Make sure to bookmark this page so you can easily return to find answers to your most common questions in the future. If you are in need of technical support, you can still access our support teams through your standard communication methods via email or Freshdesk Portal (For American users).

Please Register a Free Account!

Welcome to the MillBox Learning Center! We're glad you're here and would like to invite you to register for a free account so you can access and keep up-to-date on: Registering for a free account gives you access to additional content like:

  • The latest MillBox & CIMsystem News
  • Downloads for the latest versions of MillBox so you can keep your machines running the latest and most efficient software / strategies.
  • Access the latest Software Manuals for MillBox so you can stay on top of the best tools to utilize as you become a Nesting Pro.

How do I register?

If you do not yet have an account for our site, you can self-register by clicking HERE, then click on Self Signup on the login page:

What do I do after I've registered?

Once you are logged in, you will notice that you have access to additional sections of the help page including the MillBox Manual & Software Downloads:

When viewing articles, this drop-down navigation menu can be found near the main Navigation Pane on the left side of the page: 

If you are a MillBox or CIMsystem dealer, please contact your local CIMsystem representative and provide them your registered email after creating a free account.


  • We've split the Learning Center into several categories (MillBox Manual, Solutions, Downloads and Dealer Sections).
    • To access the Solution portal, you must register for a free account. 
    • The Software Manual will focus specifically on the build of the software that is currently released. As the following year's annual maintenance cutoff approaches, we will fork the manual and create an archived version for the previous year so users on that version will only see relevant content.
  • Languages are now available to choose in the upper right-hand corner.

If you are a Dealer and you do not see the Dealer section, please contact your local CIMsystem representative and provide them with your registered email address so we can give you access.

When you are reading an article, you can now take advantage of the Table of Contents floating guide along the right-hand side of the page. This area provide quick access to different sub-topics under a given article and allow users to seamlessly navigate through a lot of content with minimal amount of effort.

Content will automatically scroll to the Table of Contents' selection:

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