Disc - Nesting a Full Contour Crown
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Disc - Nesting a Full Contour Crown

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Article summary

Nesting a Full Contour Crown in a CAD/CAM DISC using an appropriate 98mm Disc fixture to hold it.

Video Demo of Workflow

Step By Step Instructions

New Job

  1. Start by selecting New Job
  2. Select a Machine to work with
  3. Select a Material that supports Disc Materials (IE: Zirconia)
  4. Select the Disc Fixture
  5. Click the check-mark to move forward in the process.

Import Object

After you've completed the New Job Step, MillBox will automatically proceed to the Import Object Step:

  1. Select an .STL File to import
  2. Select an Object Type for classification.
  3. Click on the check-mark button to move forward in the process.

NOTE: Making the correct restoration type selection is CRUCIAL as this will determine how the CAM detects curves and surfaces on parts to be milled and also will determine which milling routines will be applied to the selected object being imported.

NOTE: You can also preview the .STL File that is selected at the bottom of the window. If you click on the image, another window will pop-up allowing for rotation and zooming on the preview.

After the Importing of Objects of complete, the user can choose to import the blank:

Blank Selection

  1. Check the Minimum Thickness displayed at the top of the screen - this will help you determine which disc height your restoration will fit within.
  2. User will examine available discs and either select from a previously used stock or create new material. (SEE: BLANK)
  3. Select Green Check Mark to continue.


After the stock selection is complete, the user can make final adjustments as needed during the nesting phase. (SEE: NESTING BASICS)

If there are no changes needed to the part orientation / support pin placement, etc - the user can simply start the calculation process under "Start Mill":

Start Mill

At this stage, you will have the option to start the calculation for the entire project - or you can use the Prioritize Milling Order option if you want to calculate one or more parts separately (SEE: Toolpath Calculation). If the machine supports direct milling, MillBox can stream the CNC file to the machine after the first roughing toolpath is calculated. This will allow the machine to start milling virtually immediately following the start of the calculation. If the user chooses to save the toolpath instead, they can click this option.

Based on your strategy configured, you may see a similar list of choices:

You can can make selections for milling based on the above list (choices may vary based on cutting strategy). This allows the you to customize the milling characteristics that will take place during this specific Milling Job.

For example, Additional Anatomy milling with smaller tools / Undercut Milling options, etc. For more information SEE: TOOLPATH CALCULATION

After strategy options have been selected, the user will notice the following pop-up window:

NOTE: This window will display depending on the settings configured for the machine in SUM3D's Machine Archive.

This window displays the Tool Slot Numbers in the first column, Tool Life Percentages for each tool and descriptions of the assigned tools. Some machines can track tool life directly in the controller and in this case, the tool-life tracking can be turned off.

MillBox Tracked tool-life

The following window will pop-up if Tool Life Tracking is enabled for the machine:

Nesting a FC Crown in a Disc 9.png

This window prompts the user if they want to apply tool-life to the tools used. This gives the user an opportunity to exclude the current calculation from the tool-life tracking. This can be useful for example if the user wanted to calculate but not run actually run the job on the machine.

Residual Material Simulation

Based on the configuration of MillBox, the following window may pop up during calculation:

Nesting a FC Crown in a Disc 6.png

If "Yes" is selected, a color map will be displayed at the end of the calculation process that will indicate any Residual Material that may be left behind due to tool limitations (IE: if the fossae are designed too narrow for the tool to fit, this material will be left un-machined). (SEE: SHOW RESIDUAL MATERIAL)

If the user chose to simulate the residual material, this is what would be displayed after calculation:

The following window will pop-up at the end of the calculation - indicating where the CNC file was output:

The user can then navigate to the said directory manually or simply use the TOOLS > TOOLPATHS button to open this directory:

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