Add Red Caps
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Add Red Caps

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Add Red Caps (for holes)

Add Red Caps.png

These functions allow you to manually close screw access holes on implant objects like Hybrid Abutments, Abutments and Bars. This tool eliminates wasted machining by Roughing and Finishing operations by capping off the holes so they can be milled exclusively by Drilling operations. This is a necessary step for Hybrid / Ti-Base Abutments to prevent unnecessary cutting operations.

NOTE: It is recommended that you select a portion of the access channel where the cylinder is most complete. Otherwise the red caps may take additional time to detect and / or may be inaccurate according to your screw-channel.

For Hybrid Abutments, the Red Caps should be present at the top and the bottom of the access channel. If it is detected / positioned lower than the bottom of the access channel, the part may not mill out properly or may have fit issues / incomplete holes.

Add Red Caps 2.png

Single Click

This is an automatic detection function - simply click on an inner cylindrical wall of the screw channel (the most complete)

By Drawing

You can also manually designate draw the boundaries of where you need red caps placed. This is useful when the inner geometry of your hybrid abutment is less than ideal.

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