Export Interface
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Export Interface

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Export Interface

The Export Functionality in MillBox enables users to generate and extract geometry information from an imported object with a connection or interface. This becomes especially valuable when there isn't a pre-existing library set up for your part within MillBox.

The Extract Function also provides the capability to adjust, modify, or rectify a geometry in MillBox and subsequently save it as a preset interface for use in conjunction with the replace feature.

The process of extracting the connection from an STL file of the interface is guided by a Wizard, which outlines all the necessary steps you must follow:


Step By Step

Select your Interface to Export / Extract.

Under Tools (1), select Connection (2) and then select Export (3) on the new dialog that will be opened.

Select the interface that you'd like to extract:

Anti-Rotational Alignment

Next, you'll want to Select how to align your interface for replacement - this is how we get the rotational angle correct.

For a hexagonal connection, opt for "align to side." In the case of a tri-lobe type interface, choose the "align to arc" option. The accompanying image illustrates a blue line, indicating the preferred alignment placement on the part:


In today's example, we're aligning to the flat side of a hexagonal interface, you can select either a flat surface or a straight curve along the interface connection.

Define Volume for Extraction

Once the rotation alignment has been set, we will need to create cylinders in order to define the volume that will be exported/extracted to the interface, all meshes inside those cylinders will be exported to the interface connection and all meshes outside it will be ignored. You can define as much cylinders you need, you can insert the height and diameter value, click on the curves to copy those values or use the +/- buttons to adjust those if needed.

NOTE: It is very important to minimize the distance between the internal geometry and the cylinders used for extraction so you 

You may need to add two or more cylinders, depending on the interface.

NOTE: You want to make your extraction area as close to the internal shape as possible, making sure to capture the diameter of the screw hole as this diameter will be used for drilling any holes that this interface may be applied to.

Naming your Interface

Give your new interface a name (1) so it can be easily recognized for replacement and if desired, select a custom strategy (2) from the list so you can ensure specific and appropriate toolpaths for milling your interface:

Milling Strategy Selection

The displayed window is where you can select your milling strategy. Review the available strategies along with their descriptions and pictures to choose the most suitable pre-set toolpaths for milling. If necessary, refer to the Interface Types Chart to assess which option might be the best fit for the interface you just exported or extracted. This thoughtful selection ensures that you apply the most appropriate milling strategy for optimal results in MillBox.

NOTE: The Interface Type Chart must not be selected as a custom strategy, this file is just for comparison between the interfaces types.

Once a strategy has been defined and a name given, you can complete the Interface Extraction by selecting the check mark:

The Extract functionality is then followed up with the Replace Function which allows you to use the corrected library or any geometry within your Library to replace the part with a confirmed geometry:

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