Interface Browser
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Interface Browser

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Accessing the Interface Browser

MillBox stores all replace implant libraries in a central, easy to manage location.

There are 2 ways to access the Interface Browser:

Accessing Browser in a New Job

When the CAM is freshly launched and does not have any MillBox Jobs loaded, you can select the Tools button on the left and click on Interface Browser:

Accessing Browser in an Open Job

If you currently have a MillBox Job open, you can select Tools > Connection > Browse:

Import Interface from File

Note: Import Functionality is enabled and available only with the use of the Advanced / Expert Module Only

This feature enables users to import an STL file of an interface, adding it to the existing Replace library. This functionality allows for the inclusion of relevant interfaces that may not be present in the default replace library, expanding the range of options available for replacement in MillBox.


Where to find the Import Interface

The function can be accessed in the "Interface Browser":

File Requirements

To begin, you must have the STL file containing only the interface, without any attached restoration. It is crucial at this stage to ensure that the STL is oriented correctly, with the occlusal side (screw channel) facing upward and the interface side facing downward, as illustrated in the example below. This proper orientation is essential for accurate processing in MillBox.

Correcting File Orientation

If the interface is in the wrong orientation, you can open FileHub and use the orientation adjustment feature, rotating the STL on the direction needed for the occlusal side to be upwards. Click Here to learn more about FIleHub.

NOTE This is valid for importing any type of STL into Millbox, whether it's a restoration or interface only

Input Interface Information

Upon successfully importing the STL, a new window will appear where you will provide information regarding this interface:

Replace Name - The first name should always be the Interface BRAND, followed by the specific connection model/version. (EX: CIMSYSTEM is brand, HE 4.1 is model)

Replace Group - The options available on this camp will be relative to the name addressed for the interface. As the first name should always be the brand, only the brand group will be displayed for the selection. 

NOTE: when adding an interface that doesn't have the brand on library previously, the first STL of this brand that you're going to add will have the replace group set as the full name of the model. After adding 2 or more interfaces to that replace group, the group will only have the brand name.

Phase Alignment - Choose a straight line or a plane surface on the connection when replacing it with this interface. This allows the software to determine the correct orientation for aligning the new connection. For hexagonal connections, use the left icon, and for tri-lobe connections, use the right icon. Rotational interfaces do not necessitate this step.

Custom Strategy - If you wish to associate a custom strategy to mill this Interface, click on the checkbox and select the Replace Strategy. Upon doing so, you will be greeted by this window:

  1. Start by Selecting the Interface Types Chart - This file is only used as a legend to determine the correct custom strategy that should be selected.
  2. Scroll through the image in the preview to find the correct strategy that corresponds to the design features of your implant interface.
  3. Select the appropriate strategy and click on the blue check mark to continue.

The new interface is will be added into your Replace Library.

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