Merge Objects
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Merge Objects

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Merge Objects


There are two ways that MillBox can Merge files to affect the milled outcome / result.

  1. The EVO solution - All on four
  2. Aesthetic Coating
  3. The EVO solution - All on four




When there is a need for us to merge or combine 2 .STL files, MillBox can facilitate this function.

NOTE: Parts must be aligned from the CAD

Aesthetic Coating


When working with materials that can be layered, the CAM has a capability to combine 2 restorations within the same disc and mill them out in a sequenced manner. This can be useful when milling a substructure in PEEK and have a secondary material poured in (IE: PMMA) to mill away the outer layer, leaving a composite part after milling.

NOTE: This requires your CAD Designed parts to be part of a split-file design

You would import the substructure first and select the part using Aesthetic Coating to activate this function.

You will be prompted with a 2nd import file window - select the 2nd part to combine:

The files will be merged together by MillBox:

After you calculate this file, the CAM will produce the first file for milling and prompt you to select the secondary material that will be poured into the milled cavity after machining is complete:

A 2nd MillBox Project will be opened with the final restoration - Select Start Mill and Save Toolpath - Make any specific strategy option selections and start calculation:

After calculation completes, you can run this next job on your machine.

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