Replace Interface
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Replace Interface

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Replace Interface

The MillBox Replace feature offers users flexibility and enhances certainty when milling implant connections. MillBox allows for both manual and automatic execution of interface replacement. By utilizing implants from the MillBox library, users can achieve a consistently high-quality milled product in every machining process. This approach eliminates potential variations introduced by the original implant library used in the CAD, contributing to a more precise and reliable fit.


Step by Step

To use the Replace feature: 

  1. Click on Tools 
  2. Click on Connection 
  3. Select the Replace button from the new dialog that opens.

Choose Interface to Adjust

Select the Interface that you want to replace and confirm.

Identify the Current Interface

 (for alignment)

Find and select your interface type from the list - On the first step you are telling the CAM which interface type you currently have selected, if you don't know exactly, you can choose Unspecified.

Choose Interface for Replacing

Select an interface from your library that you want to replace this one with - this is what will be placed in place of what was output from the CAD.

The replaced interface will show up as yellow:

You can Toggle the Replaced Interfaces as a Visual Layer if you want to see a comparison between the interface on the mesh and the one you've replaced it with.

Shifting your Interface in Z Axis

In addition to replacing the interface, you can apply a set shift in the Z axis or Rotation along X,Y axes. This may help in aligning your interface spatially.

Adjusting Fit

You can also adjust fit for your implant's geometry:

After selecting the pencil icon next to "No fit applied" you will see the window shown below. This window allows you to browse through the various implant systems by machine and material, thus allowing you to customize adjustments by these variables (Different machines can produce different fits):


Adjusting Screw Channel / Internal Fit

You can modify individual screw channels / implant internal diameters needed for drilling operations and set manual values according to your preferences:

Milling Strategy

Modifying the default milling strategy in MillBox for the interface is a critical step in the milling process.

Preset strategies are available and customized for the implant connection types that you are planning to mill. Use the Interface Type Chart to pinpoint the most appropriate milling strategy for the specific interface you are working on. When choosing different strategies, pay close attention to the recommendations outlined in the description to verify that your interface complies with the specified requirements. This attention to detail approach is crucial for achieving optimal milling results.

Changing between different interface families

NOTE: You cannot select different sized implant connections or from different implant families. The replace feature is meant to replace similar implant systems. If the variance is too great, you can have misalignments and holes left in the mesh / designed abutment.


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